Browse Entities

The Commissioners of Savings Banks (1853 - 1912)



Established under the provisions of the Savings Bank Act, 1853 to conduct the business of the Savings Bank of Port Phillip. The various branches of the bank ran as independent institutions with their own trustees.

In 1912 the Victorian Parliament passed The State Savings Bank Act to amalgamate the branches into a unified organisation.

The Savings Bank Act, 1890 introduced change to Victoria's savings banks. The Commissioners of Savings Banks and the Post Office Banks were amalgamated and administered as the Savings Bank Department.


 1842 - 1853 The Savings Bank of Port Phillip
       1853 - 1912 The Commissioners of Savings Banks
             1912 - 1980 State Savings Bank of Victoria
                   1980 - 1991 State Bank of Victoria
                         1984 - Commonwealth Bank of Australia [II]

Published resources


  • Cooch, Alex., The State Savings Bank of Victoria. Its place in the history of Victoria, Macmillan and Co, Melbourne, Victoria, 1934, 202 pp. Details
  • Craddock, T.S. and Cavanough, M.B., 125 years: the Story of the State Savings Bank of Victoria 1842-1966, Melbourne, Victoria, 1967. Details
  • Murray, Robert and White, Kate, A Bank for the people. A history of the State Bank of Victoria, Hargreen Publishing Company, 1992, 515 pp. Details

Bruce A. Smith