Browse Entities

Esperance Bay Company (1890 - 1953)

London, England


The Company was formed in London in 1890 for the purpose of colonisation and land development in the Australian colonies. Land was acquired near Esperance Bay, W.A. and the company was active in the late 19th and early 20th centuries. It was finally liquidated in 1953 after long negotiations.

The first directors were James Matthews, H.N. Chaplin and James Wiseman. In 1908, Thomas Edwards of Esperance was appointed agent and superintendent for James Matthews.

Archival resources

J.S. Battye Library of West Australian History, State Library of Western Australia

  • Esperance Bay Company records, 1890 - 1953, MN 81; J.S. Battye Library of West Australian History, State Library of Western Australia. Details
  • Esperance Bay Company records, 1908 - 1933, MN 1060; J.S. Battye Library of West Australian History, State Library of Western Australia. Details

Bruce A. Smith