Browse Entities

Ansell Ltd (2002 - )



After divesting food, clothing and footwear interests Pacific Dunlop chnaged it's name to Ansell Ltd.


 1899 - 1905 Dunlop Pneumatic Tyre Company of Australasia Limited
       1904 - 1929 Perdriau Rubber Company Limited
       1905 - 1929 Dunlop Rubber Company of Australasia Limited
              E.N. Ansell & Sons
             1929 - 1941 Dunlop-Perdriau Rubber Company Limited
                    Ansell Rubber Company Pty Ltd
                   1933 - 1953 Olympic Tyre and Rubber Company Pty Ltd
                   1941 - 1967 Dunlop Rubber (Australia) Limited
                          - 1980 Ansell International Limited
                         1953 - 1980 Olympic Consolidated Industries Limited
                         1967 - 1980 Dunlop Australia Limited
                               1980 - 1986 Dunlop Olympic Limited
                                     1986 - 2002 Pacific Dunlop Limited
                                           2002 - Ansell Ltd

Bruce A. Smith