Browse Entities

Ellis Caterers Limited (1914 - 1952)



The Ellis Caterers Ltd organisation was registered in South Australia in 1914 as bakers, pastry cooks, caterers, fruiterers and confectioners. The office and factory was at 120 Gouger Street, Adelaide, with a restaurant Covent Gardens at 50 (later 68) King William Street, the Arcadia Cafe in Bowman's Buildings, King William Street, the Maple Leaf Cafe at 21 Rundle Street and two others in the central business district. The Covent Gardens premises was burnt in 1948 when five people died. The Ellis Cafes ceased trading in 1952.

Archival resources

State Library of South Australia

  • Ellis Caterers Limited records, 1923 - 1949, BRG 277; State Library of South Australia. Details

Bruce A. Smith